Wet Taps -> Services Home
Wet Taps, or Corporation Taps, are different names for the same process. Most Wet Tap connections are into water and sewer mains and can be performed while your system remains live and under working pressure. Wet Taps allow for a new branch connection without any interruption of service or flow.
Pro Tapping performs Wet Taps from 4” to 36”, 360° around the main. Wet Taps are generally performed on cast and ductile iron, transite (ACP), polyvinyl chloride and concrete cylinder pipe as well as many older pipeline materials.
Corporation Taps
Corporation Wet Taps are performed on any main size with an outlet of 2” or less. Most Corporation Taps are performed for residential or commercial services. For your convenience we can also provide the 90° (elbow) off the corporation as well as the curb stop and curb box.
PDF—CAD Drawings
Small Wet Tapping Machine ¾" - 2"
Large Wet Tapping Machine 4" - 20"
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